Bibliometric analysis of nursing postgraduate theses on motivational ınterviewing with adolescents: The case of Türkiye
Adolescent, motivational interviewing, nursing, postgraduate thesisAbstract
Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine postgraduate theses in the field of nursing in Turkey, focusing on motivational interviewing in adolescents, from different perspectives.
Method: The population of the study consisted of 77 postgraduate theses in the field of nursing, identified as a result of a search using keywords with the theme “motivational interviewing in adolescents” in the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education between April and May 2024. During the literature review, the "Thesis Title" option was used to search with the keywords "adolescent," "teenager," and "motivational interviewing." In this process, theses that did not meet inclusion criteria, were duplicates, had incomplete texts, or were not in Turkish were determined as exclusion criteria, leaving 7 graduate theses to be included in the study.
Results: The first postgraduate thesis on motivational interviewing with adolescents in the field of nursing was published in 2008. Six of the theses employed a quasi-experimental or experimental design, while one used both a methodological and experimental design. All of these postgraduate theses used the motivational interviewing technique under the leadership of a nurse. Six of the theses were completed as doctoral dissertations, and one as a master's thesis. The study populations consisted of middle and high school students and adolescents with asthma and type 1 diabetes.Formun Üstü
Conclusion: Based on the results of predominantly experimental postgraduate theses, it was found that the use of motivational interviewing techniques and motivational interviewing-based educational programs on various topics with adolescents was found to be effective in promoting positive attitudes and/or behavior changes Since the physical and emotional changes during adolescence contribute to the development of negative behaviors, there is a need to utilize motivational interviewing techniques that promote positive behavior change.
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