The Effect of Computer Aided Education on Promoting Cardiovascular Health Attitudes of Children




Cardiovascular health, child, computer aided education, practice application software


Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the effect of computer aided education on promoting cardiovascular health attitudes of children.

Method: The research was conducted in a single group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design between April17, 2017 and June 19, 2018 in a secondary school in a city center in eastern Turkey. The population consisted of students studying at the specified secondary school during the autumn semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. The study was carried out with all the students (N=148) who had parental permission to participate in the research without any sample group selection. The data were collected by the researcher using the “Student Information Form” and the “Attitude Scale for Promoting Children's Cardiovascular Health”. In the study, the researcher provided a single session training of “Keeping Our Heart Healthy” to the students, and one week later, the “Keeping Our Heart Healthy Practice Software” was applied. Written consent of the parents, ethical approval and official permission were obtained to conduct the research.

Results: The average score of students in the Attitude Scale for Promoting Children's Cardiovascular Health was 51.97±6.97 in the pre-test and 61.67±2.74 in the post-test. It was found that there was a statistically significant difference between preand post-test average scores in terms of both the sub-scales and overall attitude scale (p<0.05).

Conclusion: It was determined that computer aided education given to children has an impact on their attitudes towards improving cardiovascular health.


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How to Cite

Kaplan Laço, S., & AYTEKİN ÖZDEMİR, A. (2023). The Effect of Computer Aided Education on Promoting Cardiovascular Health Attitudes of Children. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Health, 3(3), 176–187.