Obstacles to the breastfeeding process: Risky newborns and mothers with health problems





midwife, Breast feeding, newborn, Mother


Breastfeeding has the power and protection of maternal nutrition, along with a magnificent action that ensures the transfer of breast milk, which is a source of new growth and appropriate nutrients, to the baby and nourishes the bond of trust between the mother and the baby. Maintaining the continuity of breastfeeding is very important for the health of the baby as well as the health of the mother. Although the importance of breastfeeding is undeniable, the breastfeeding process is affected by many factors related to the mother and the baby. The baby whose gestational age and birth weight are at high risk of death and disease does not grow as a high birth weight. Providing appropriate and effective enteral nutrition in high-risk births reduces morbidity and mortality rates. The aim in these newborns is to ensure that the newborn reaches the normal intrauterine growth rate in addition to initiating and maintaining breastfeeding and to maintain this. In addition, if the mother has health problems during breastfeeding; The amount of milk, feeding duration and mother-baby connections may be disrupted. The purpose of this review; The aim of this study is to shed light on the evaluation of mothers with birth-related health problems and midwifery treatments as they hinder the breastfeeding process.


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How to Cite

Altıparmak, S., & Kalkan, Z. (2024). Obstacles to the breastfeeding process: Risky newborns and mothers with health problems. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Health, 4(3), 220–232. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14577154