The effect of prenatal loss status on postpartum depression and perception of vulnerable baby: A comparative study
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Postpartum depresyon, Prenatal kayıp, Kırılgan bebekÖzet
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of prenatal loss on postpartum depression and vulnerable baby perception in women.
Method: The data of the comparative-cross-sectional study were collected in April 2022. The sample of the study consisted of 200 women, 100 who experienced prenatal loss and 100 who did not. Data were collected with the Personal Information Form, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS), and Vulnerable Baby Scale (VBS). In addition to descriptive statistics, t-tests and chi-square analysis were used for independent groups to analyze data.
Results: The mean age of the women was 28.93±4.27, 65% of them were university graduates, 57.5% were unemployed, 42.5% had a moderate economic status and 85% had a nuclear family type. The mode of delivery of 56.5% of the women was a cesarean section, 80.5% of them became pregnant intentionally and 76.5% of them planned. It was determined that the total mean score of EPDS of the women who experienced prenatal loss was 13.75±6.96, and the mean total score of VBS was 29.71±6.50. It was determined that the EPDS and VBS total mean scores were 9.89±4.62 and 26.62±5.14, respectively, in the group that did not experience prenatal loss, and the total score mean was statistically significantly lower than the group that experienced prenatal loss (p<0.001).
Conclusion: It was determined that the perception of vulnerable baby and postpartum depression levels of women who experienced prenatal loss were higher than those who did not experience loss.
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