Nonpharmacological Pain Management and the Role of Pediatric Nurse
Ağrı, Çocuk, Hemşire, NonfarmakolojikAbstract
Pain management is an important issue during the treatment of paediatric patients. Nonpharmacological pain methods offer an effective way to reduce pain and stress in children and improve their general well-being by relieving or controlling pain without the use of medication. Paediatric nurses can use a variety of non-pharmacological methods in accordance with the age and developmental level of the child. They can also inform and educate parents and caregivers about non-pharmacological pain methods. It is important that parents and caregivers understand children's pain, support them and use the right methods. Paediatric nurses play an active role in children's pain management by guiding families in this process. In addition, paediatric nurses' mastery of non-pharmacological pain management practices is of great importance in terms of helping to minimise children's pain while increasing their physical and emotional well-being. These methods can reduce or completely prevent children's use of medication, thus reducing side effects and the risk of drug dependence. Paediatric nurses contribute to a better treatment process by positively influencing children's experience of pain.
In conclusion, it is very important for paediatric nurses to have knowledge about nonpharmacological pain methods and to be able to apply these methods in practice and transfer them to the caregivers of the child in pain management. While nurses alleviate the pain of children by using these methods, they can also help children to have a better health experience by educating their families.
Keywords: Pain, Child, Nurse, Nonpharmacological
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