Determining the relationship between adolescents' perceived parental attitudes and their psychological problems and irrational beliefs
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Adolescent, attitude parenting, helicopter parent, irrational beliefs, mental problemsÖzet
Aim: This descriptive study was conducted to determine the relationship between adolescents' perceived parental attitudes, mental problems, and irrational beliefs.
Methods: The study sample consisted of a total of 341 participants. The study was conducted between April 2022 and June 2022, and the data were collected using The Perceived Helicopter Parenting Attitude Scale, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Irrational Belief Scale-Adolescent Form in addition to The Personal Information Form.
Results: As a result of the analysis, the mean total score of the mother perceived helicopter parent attitude scale was 55.32 ± 11.35, and the mean total score of the father perceived helicopter parent attitude scale was 46.62 ± 11.34. the mean total score of the adolescents' irrational belief scale - adolescent form was 55.32 ± 11.35. the mean total score of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire was 15.66 ± 5.73, and the mean score was on the borderline.
Conclusion: It was found that there was a strong negative relationship between the irrational belief scale of the adolescents included in the study and the mother's perceived helicopter parental attitude. There was no significant relationship between adolescents' irrational belief scale and difficulties and difficulties scale and its subscales. There was a significant relationship between adolescents' difficulties and difficulties total score and emotional problems subscale total score and father's perceived helicopter attitudes. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the helicopter parent attitude that adolescents perceived from their parents could create psychological problems and irrational beliefs in the adolescent.
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