Stress and general competency belief levels of nursing students before and after their applications in the vocational skills laboratory

Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin mesleki beceri laboratuvarı uygulamaları


  • Özlem Abi



General competence, nursing education, vocational skill applications, student nurse, stress


Objective: This descriptive study was conducted to determine the levels of nursing education stress and general competence beliefs experienced by first-year nursing students before and after vocational skill laboratory applications, as well as the factors influencing these levels.

Method: The research was conducted with 50 first-year nursing students from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Iğdır University in April-May 2021. Data were collected using a Personal Information Form, "Nursing Education Stress Scale (NESS)," and "General Competence Belief Scale (GCBS)." The data were evaluated using frequency distributions, independent sample t-test/Mann-Whitney U test, and Variance/Kruskal-Wallis analysis.

Results: In this study, it was determined that 54.0% of the nursing students were female, 68.0% willingly chose the nursing department, and 46.0% experienced fear of performing nursing practices. The students' mean total score obtained from the Nursing Education Stress Scale was 57.00±16.775 at the pre-evaluation and 51.46±19.641 at the post-evaluation. Additionally, the mean total score obtained from the General Competence Belief Scale was 25.64±6.321 at the pre-evaluation and 26.78±4.400 at the post-evaluation.

Conclusion: According to the study results, it was observed that the stress levels associated with nursing education decreased, and general competence beliefs increased after the students' initial vocational skill laboratory applications.


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How to Cite

GÜLBETEKİN, E., & Abi, Özlem. (2023). Stress and general competency belief levels of nursing students before and after their applications in the vocational skills laboratory: Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin mesleki beceri laboratuvarı uygulamaları. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Health, 3(2), 111–119.



Research Article