Biopsychosocial and behavioural effects of earthquake on infant and children, and intervention methods
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Child, disaster, earthquake, infantÖzet
Earthquake is one of the important natural disasters that negatively affect infant and child health in biopsychosocial aspects. Considering the developmental processes of children, they are more likely to experience post-traumatic psychological problems than adults. The aim of this review is to examine the biopsychosocial and behavioural effects of the earthquake on infant and children and the intervention methods in the literature. Psychosocial and behavioural problems such as fear, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, panic attacks, eating and sleeping problems, attention deficit are frequently observed in infant and children during and after the earthquake. When psychosocial intervention methods to reduce these problems are examined, it is reported in the literature that intervention methods such as accelerating the adaptation process, providing psychosocial support, providing treatment and rehabilitation services, providing needs analysis and needs quickly and regularly, play therapy, painting therapy, mindfulness-based child and family education, yoga and cognitive behavioural therapy are effective.
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