Examining the relationship between family-centered care applied in the neonatal intensive care unit and anxiety levels of mothers
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10431286Anahtar Kelimeler:
Anxiety, family-centered care, mother, newbornÖzet
Introduction: This study was conducted to examine the relationship between the family-centered care practice received by mothers whose infants were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit and their anxiety levels.
Method: In the study, which was designed in descriptive and relational type, the data were obtained with the mother information form, the newborn information form, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Newborn Family Centered Care Scale. The study was conducted with 260 mothers. With the AMOS program, the relationship between the family-centered care practices received by mothers and their anxiety levels was examined. Some demographic factors were included in the model and their effects were examined.
Results: The mean total family center care score was 36.02 ± 3.47. The areas where the parents obtained the lowest score were the participation in care and collaboration with family subscales. It has been determined that the gestational week of the infant, the time of seeing the infant and the time of holding the infant are effective triggers on the family-centered care scores.The mean State Anxiety Inventory score of the mothers was 53.21 ± 7.46 and their mean Trait Anxiety Inventory score was 53.16 ± 10.41. The path coefficient between the FCC Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was significant (p<0.001). As the mothers received FCC, their state and trait anxiety scores decreased at a statistically significant level. It has been determined that the gestational week of the infant, the age of the mother and the time of seeing the infants are the factors that affect the anxiety of the mothers.
Conclusion: It was determined that mothers whose infants were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit received inadequate family-centered care. Insufficient family-centered care of mothers increased their anxiety.
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