The relationship between nursing students' adverse childhood experiences and attitudes toward reporting child abuse and neglect
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Child abuse, neglect, nursing student, reportÖzet
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nursing students' adverse childhood experiences and their attitudes towards reporting child abuse and neglect.
Method: This descriptive and relation-seeking study included students studying in the nursing department of a university. The questionnaire form used to collect data included questions to describe the students, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Turkish Form (ACETF) and the Healthcare Provider Attitudes Toward Child Maltreatment Reporting Scale (ACMR).
Results: 58.9% of nursing students had a history of at least one type of abuse. The three most common types of abuse were psychological abuse (35.7%), physical abuse (24.3%) and psychological neglect (22.9%). Nursing students' ACMR score was 47.33 ± 6.77 and in the correlation analyses, the ACETF score was significantly positively associated with ACMR score (r = 0.257, p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The study results showed that more than half of the nursing students had experience of childhood abuse and their attitudes towards reporting child abuse were at an average level. In addition, students with negative experiences in childhood had higher attitudes towards reporting child abuse.
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